Tuesday, May 19, 2009

MBT #2: Peeing

look! i just found a shoutout to mindy, whose maturity i often find mind-blowing.

Back in elementary school we had bathroom breaks, which were awesome because the bathrooms were right across from each other so you would have a line of 1st grade boys facing a line of 2nd grade girls in a great im-sexist-before-learning-about-sexism-but-i-call-it-cooties kind of way. But what was even more awesome was looking around at the different pee dances.

And don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about.
Indicators that a small child has to immediately pee include:
1. telling you that they have to pee
2. crossing their feet while standing
3. crossing their feet while slightly swaying their hips
4. finding a wall to lean against as they do 2 and/or 3
5. nervously looking around, presumably for an adult to tell
5. telling you that they have to pee

you could always tell who had already used the bathroom because they would walk out of slowly and stand in the back of the line with self-satisfied looks on their faces.

and really, what's not to love about peeing?
especially here in the west, where we don't even have to stare down sqautty potties hoping that they will reveal to us how to use them.
aside from the actually physiological intricacies that allow us to (usually) expel water from our bodies at our will (cool), the relief afterwards is. yes.
i also get alot of satisfaction from looking at the color of my pee; i am proud of myself when it is crystal clear because it means that a) i am well hydrated b) oprah says i can read a magazine through it

the quietness of it is also much-needed. sure, i love trying to talk to friends when peeing because of the sheer absurdity, yet casualness of it, but really, there usually isn't much to do or say when you're peeing. lately, i've been trying to take this time to say two things to God: one, thank you for this pee. really. and two, open my eyes to you for the rest of the day.


  1. love it.
    especially your visibles.

    how do you feel about the odor? particularly after eating asparagus

  2. mindor,
    although i do not know you, i am impressed by the depth of the questions you ask.
    to answer your question, as much as i enjoy luminous shades, i do in fact prefer clear urine. thank you for your input.

    and mindor, i love you.

  3. and i forgot im on achsahs account so these comments are from Bethanie

  4. I am wholly confused by your response.
    and also it has been a week.

    This is your first warning

  5. I love you too.
    but it is tough love.
    the toughest.

  6. bethanie, you notice the weirdest things.

  7. i know you're back from chapter camp so there's no excuse. i think your status should be:
    Bethanie Liu enjoys sticking her finger in gordon's ear every night.

  8. Wow. um so i don't enjoy peeing i think its very uncomfortable. And I also don't enjoy talking to you on the phone while your peeing. The sound of a your waterfall makes me have to pee as well.


  9. "aside from the actually physiological intricacies that allow us to (usually) expel water from our bodies at our will (cool), the relief afterwards is. yes."

    my favorite quote.
