Thursday, April 21, 2011

Psalm 16

This psalm has one of my favorite truths:

verse 2: I say to the LORD, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."

Even the best things I have in this life right now, healthy and growing relationships, good health, and (ridiculous amounts of) privilege, pale in comparison to the goodness of God. Not just His goodness though.

How sad would it be if like relationships, health, and privilege, the goodness of God were limited to the earth, limited to a time and place.


But it's not.

Our Lord is not only good, but He is faithful and constant and steadfast.

I pray for the clarity and humility in knowing that apart from Him, I have no good thing. I want to love the Giver, not the gifts.

Psalm 15

This psalm asks "LORD, who may dwell in your sacred tent?" and proceeds to list out all the requirements to live on God's holy mountain. The one in particular that stands out to me is "who speaks the truth from their heart."

This tells me two things:

1) This person has truth in their heart and

2) He or she has the love and boldness to speak it.

I am neither, but I thank God that because of Jesus, I can dwell with Him in His Sacred Tent, His Holy Mountain. And by being there, God will plant Truth in my heart and give me the boldness to speak it.