This is probably one of the most unsettling Psalms because of its honesty.
"bones in agony"
"soul is in anguish"
"worn out from groaning"
"i flood my bed with weeping"
"drench my couch with tears"
"eyes grow weak with sorrow"
I'm not sure what had occurred to provoke the writing of this Psalm, but it sounds long and messy and hard. All he does is describes the state he is in. There's no explanation for how or why he's there. He doesn't even acknowledge that the LORD has done anything to rescue him or comfort him yet, but the LORD has done 3 things:
1. "heard my weeping"
2. "heard my cry for mercy"
3. "accepts my prayer"
The LORD seems incredibly passive and removed and powerless while the Psalmist implodes.
I am so grateful that David, the man after God's heart, the man from which the Savior of the world would descend from, reconciling God to us, us to each other, and us to the earth, felt this way too on at least one occasion.
This is how I feel at finals time