Monday, June 8, 2009

MBT #4: Late Night Talks with Parents

Hot English Teacher told us first-semester high school seniors last year:
I can guarantee you all that one year from now, you are all going to be in your dorm rooms eating pizza with your friends and asking yourselves something to the effect of, ''Dude, what if...what if we're just a fish's dream?"

And he was right.

I used to think true intimacy was limited to the hours between midnight and 3 AM, that meaningful discussions and soul-entwining talks could only happen late at night. That these were the prime hours for those big existential, world-view questions we are too busy to answer during the rest of the day.
That only the nocturnal were enlightened.

But this was because my understanding of intimacy was far too small, shamefully so. I am thankful that I am now learning that sharing of life does not depend on the rotation of the planet.

But there is something to be said of those early morning hours. Maybe we naturally lower our inhibitions as our bodies tire. Maybe with the darkness we more urgently seek out each other for security.
I don't know.

Regardless, I had my first late night talk with my parents last night.
I jumped onto their bed as my mom was winding down with a National Geographic and my dad was packing for his business trip. We started chatted about Elliot's violin lesson and somehow ended up examining the ramifications of torture on an international scale.

Politics is something that consistently divides me and my parents.
It is also something that always comes up.
Ultimately, we agree to disagree, but last night their stauchness was something I didn't anticipate. It was difficult to swallow my parents' criticism and accusations, but I think I understand them that much better, and that can never be a bad thing.
I actually began crying with relief to hear how their stances on some issues had softened. Or maybe I was crying from the stress of division. But it was beautiful to be able to tell my parents good night and kiss them just moments after stomach-curdling, heated debate.

It was even more beautiful to receive their reciprocation.


  1. I think this is my very favorite entry.

    // the only problem with being a blog person is that rambling is all well and good, but there's very little dialogue involved. i mean real dialogue, not random comments.
    though maybe the point of discussion and blogging is different?
    miss you, mindy <3

  2. Your ability to love, understand, and our mutual views of trust and honesty is a important component but only a fraction of the reason why you are my best friend. I will miss you these next 6 weeks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mr.Barron is not hot.

    and i believe he said if we were in a fishes' brain.

    Love your insights.

  5. um. i concur- mr barron is not hot.
    but i do love your entry. :)

  6. HAHAHA BETHANIE! Not creeped out at all. You are awesome (and a stupendous writer too btw). And I know God has amazing things in store for you and your team in dc this summer :)
